I was in Jersey the other day holding some auditions when we got into a interesting conversation (lecture lol) with (from lol) the boss-lady. In a nutshell, she described what she does musically and with her career is with the intent of being a "fire-starter" and revolutionizing the industry; more or less, making it less of an "industry" and more of a creative outlet. I really could relate to that point, as many of you know I'm harshly critical when it comes to music, lyrics, and things of the like. But at the same time, this is still an INDUSTRY and a way of life. With rent, mortgages, car notes, and children in the mix, a deep question presents itself:
It's a noble, artistic, beautiful thing to say we do what we do strictly for the sake of music. Let's face it: we are only here for a relatively short amount of time. We strive to be remembered through the ages like Michael Jackson, GURU, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Richard Manuel (homework!) and Ray Charles, or to leave a legacy like that Bob Marley, Bach and Chopin just to name a few. Their music speaks well beyond decades, and in some cases even through CENTURIES! That's an amazing thing to imagine, let alone actually create. But the fact of the matter is the most artistic and revolutionary things are realized long after the creator has passed on, and while they are here they are subject to ridicule, criticism, and in some cases poverty and inner turmoil. The Beautiful Struggle sounds great, but being one that lived it first hand for a little while it is HARDLY beautiful!
Now consider the other side: doing it for the money can take care of all of that. Frankly it's not THAT hard to make a living or at least a partial living as a musician, with a million and one different avenues out there (i.e. wedding bands, jingle writing, etc.). The wedding circuit is easy, playing some extremely easy songs EXACTLY the same way in any and every band across the country makes it easy to pull in a few hundred bucks a week, eventually getting to the point where there's no need to do anything else but play weddings. I've been there...after a while, you want to kill yourself. I can only play "Sweet Home Alabama" or "It's Getting Hot in Huuuurrr" but so many times before I become suicidal and homicidal at the same time, it's not a pretty sight. But beyond that, it's not a fulfilling feeling (outside of paying bills) to not be able to play your OWN music or at least music you truly enjoy and inspires you and listeners. But, at the end of the day, money makes this world go around, and wedding gigs and bubblegum pop music pay the bills and pay them WELL.
I can't really say which way is the right or wrong way, we all have different situations in our lives that may require certain courses of action. All I can say is that at the end of the day, if you're happy and feel content with your current space and on the path you've chosen, more power to you. I'm a full-time musician, so sometimes I have to live in both of the above worlds, but I keep this in mind through it all: paying your bills, taking care of your family and being able to live comfortably is a beautiful thing. But when it's all said and done, if I become a millionaire off music, I can't take that money, the superficial fame and all the houses and cars with him into the afterlife. So I strive to know that the words I speak, the poetry I create, and the music I give have some meaning, merit and love behind them, because those are the things that you CAN carry with you through enternity.
with that, I'm 'bout to bump this Devin CD loud as hell up to run these auditions! LOL
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